
interface BotManagers : List<BotManager<*>>

Application 中注册完成的所有 BotManager 集。


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abstract operator override fun contains(element: BotManager<*>): Boolean
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abstract override fun containsAll(elements: Collection<BotManager<*>>): Boolean
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open fun forEach(p0: Consumer<in BotManager<*>>)
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abstract operator fun get(index: Int): BotManager<*>
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abstract fun indexOf(element: BotManager<*>): Int
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abstract override fun isEmpty(): Boolean
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abstract operator override fun iterator(): Iterator<BotManager<*>>
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abstract fun lastIndexOf(element: BotManager<*>): Int
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abstract fun listIterator(index: Int): ListIterator<BotManager<*>>
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abstract fun register(botVerifyInfo: BotVerifyInfo): Bot?

通过 BotVerifyInfo 中的 组件信息 去当前环境中寻找对应组件的、实现了 Bot注册器事件提供者, 并尝试注册此bot。

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open override fun spliterator(): Spliterator<BotManager<*>>
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open fun stream(): Stream<BotManager<*>>
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abstract fun subList(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): List<BotManager<*>>
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open fun <T : Any> toArray(p0: IntFunction<Array<T>>): Array<T>


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abstract override val size: Int


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@JvmName(name = "by")
fun <T> Collection<T>.asItems(): Items<T>

使用 List 构建为 Items

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构建一个当前 List 对应的 View

fun <T> Collection<T>.asView(): View<T>

构建一个当前 Collection 对应的 View。 如果当前集合类型为 List, 则相当于 List.asView

fun <T> Iterable<T>.asView(): View<T>

构建一个当前 Iterable 对应的 View。 如果当前类型为 Collection, 则相当于 Collection.asView

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将 元素为 MsgElementIterable 转化为 Messages 实例。