
open class AutowiredConfig : SmartInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor

使 Depend 支持 autowired.




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open fun determineCandidateConstructors(p0: Class<*>, p1: String): Array<Constructor<*>>
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open fun getEarlyBeanReference(p0: Any, p1: String): Any
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open fun postProcessAfterInitialization(p0: Any, p1: String): Any
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open fun postProcessBeforeInitialization(p0: Any, p1: String): Any
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open fun postProcessBeforeInstantiation(p0: Class<*>, p1: String): Any
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open fun postProcessProperties(p0: PropertyValues, p1: Any, p2: String): PropertyValues
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open fun postProcessPropertyValues(p0: PropertyValues, p1: Array<PropertyDescriptor>, p2: Any, p3: String): PropertyValues
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open fun predictBeanType(p0: Class<*>, p1: String): Class<*>